Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) helps students identify, name, and manage their emotions so that they can interact with others in a healthy way. The Camilla Foundation provides weekly SEL lessons in afterschool programs throughout the school year and during summer. Teachers use an evidence-based curriculum, Positive Action, which helps students in grades K-5 learn to use positive thoughts and positive actions to feel good about themselves and treat others the way they want to be treated. Students become more honest with themselves and others. Topics include how to calm down when feeling angry, personal boundaries, feeling hopeless, setting goals, etc.


The Camilla Foundation provides individual counseling services to children and teens of all ages through referrals from our community partners. These services are provided by Professional Counselors or Associate Professional Counselors who are trained to work with play therapy techniques and other specialized approaches. These counselors also collaborate with families and community partners as needed to ensure that clients have the strongest support system possible as they work toward mental and emotional well being. Some areas addressed through counseling include trauma, changing family dynamics, social relationships, mood and behavior regulation. Our counselors are trained to work with depression, anxiety, Autism, ADHD, PTSD, and other disorders that may be creating challenges for our children and teens.